







在这里你可以找到网站, apps and daily activities to help you keep a positive mind-set and look after your well-being. Please read the support pages below to help you during this isolation period. 




It is so important to keep healthy both physically and mentally during this period of the Academy being closed to stop the spread of coronavirus. Across the country we are seeing loads of innovative approaches from students, parents and many celebrities also getting involved to help with health and wellbeing and to keep active.  



Well Being Activities you can get involved in, take a look at the 日历在这里 of details of things you can do and get involved in on a daily basis.

为了帮助处理日常事务,请看一下“应对日历” Here

Salford Thrive – Supporting Children and YP’s Emotional Health and Well Being

Salford Thrive have produced a quick guide for schools in terms of signposting/accessing support for SEMH, 见附件.






Childline can help you on with all sorts of problems you might have including mental health difficulties, 任何关于健康的焦虑或问题, 生活状况或教育. 

你可以免费打电话给他们私下交谈. You can contact a Childline counsellor about anything, no problem is too big or too small.

免费拨打0800 11 11或访问 www.childline.org.uk 


YoungMinds & CAMHS

YoungMinds are a charitable organisation who work with the Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to provide support, advice and counselling to young people experiencing depression, anxiety, bullying & 吃的困难. 

你可以在网站上找到支持指南 http://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/your-guide-to-support/ 



正念. Read articles, Watch Videos, do meditations and listen to podcasts 点击这里!


免费在线咨询 & emotional wellbeing support 12noon until 10pm on weekdays, and 6 - 10pm on weekends. 点击这里!


Advice & 关于心理健康和情感健康的信息. 点击这里!


24hr text services for anyone in a crisis for people who are struggling to cope. 短信喊到85258 点击这里 了解更多信息


Greater Manchester health and care providers and the voluntary sector are stepping up support for people with mental health needs, 学习障碍和自闭症. Mental health services across Greater Manchester have considered the digital options available to continue to deliver care. To view the range of digital support that is offered across Greater Manchester 点击这里!



Are you a young carer, and do you spend your time outside of school looking after a family member? 儿童协会 work hard with Carers Trust to help support children who are caring for others. 

通过访问他们的网站, 你可以得到和谁交谈的信息, 照顾好自己并提供安全建议. 你也可以找到你附近项目的信息. 

今天就访问他们的网站 http://www.childrenssociety.org.英国/ youngcarer / advice-for-young-people 

You can call their number to find out more information about where you can go for support near you on 0300 303 7000 



护理人员直接 is for anyone who is looking after a family member who is ill or disabled or needs special help. It is part of the NHS website and offers information and advice. 

There is a phone number you can call to talk to someone on 0808 802 0202

或者你可以访问他们的网站 http://www.nhs.英国/条件/ social-care-and-support / young-carers-rights /





Mind are a nationwide mental health charity who are able to offer information and support for a variety of mental health issues. Working closely with the NHS they have a wide range of resources and information on their website, 包括心理健康A-Z, 帮助别人的建议, guides to support and services and Elefriends - their online community. Everyone is affected by a mental health difficulty at some point in their lifetime and Mind are on hand to help. 

请访问他们的网站 http://www.mind.org.uk/

或者今天就打电话给他们 0300 123 3393 因为他们的信息.



以为你知道 is a website you can go to that will help answer your questions and to let you know how to be safe when you are using the internet. You probably use the internet for games or to talk to friends or even to search for information - 以为你知道 can help you stay safe. 

请浏览网址: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/




DO NOT 在互联网上分享私人信息.

如果你不确定 DO 在你提供信息之前,请先咨询你的父母/照顾者.

DO use the same rules when you surf the internet as you would walking down a street.

NEVER 与只在网上认识的人进行面对面的交流.

DO accept friend requests from people you already know if you are friends with them, DO NOT 接受陌生人的好友请求或信息.